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Chasing The American Dream

November 22, 2005


Honestly. I cannot believe I’ve been blogging here for a year now. I don’t think a soul read this when I wrote it a year ago. Since then, I’ve made countless friends and a few enemies. There are so many of you to thank. This isn’t an Oscar speech, but I’d like to thank my early readers for sticking with me for a year. You guys know who you are. You started something truly special. Thanks to all of you who read this blog; it has become a really nice community. (I know amp is nauseated right now with this sappiness, but what the heck).

A lot has changed in a year. I certainly have. This medium has given me the voice to air my random thoughts and cleanse my crazy mind. I’ve also gotten a chance to read and learn who you guys are, too. You’re all so talented in your own right so keep writing. I hope next year at this time, I can report that I have a book deal. I can’t even imagine how great that would feel.


  • Nowadays amp only becomes nauseated by bad sushi. For the rest of the stuff, amp just walks methodically away and leaves people alone to their own ideas and problems and solutions. That is the lesson learned for this year.

    By Blogger (S)wine, at 7:04 AM, November 22, 2005  

  • Congrats for sticking with it, PT. As long as you're writing, I'll be reading.

    Here's to another year!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:26 AM, November 22, 2005  

  • Congrats on a year. I was just looking the other day when my 1 yr was and it is right around the corner. Wow did this year fly!! I'm glad you were the "next blog" when I clicked it and I'm glad to have "met" you. THanks for being a great friend.

    By Blogger Mrs. Architect, at 10:40 AM, November 22, 2005  

  • Happy Blogiversary! :-)

    By Blogger Denise, at 1:38 PM, November 22, 2005  

  • Indeed a lot has changed in the last year. The ride has only begun.

    By Blogger Sass, at 9:57 PM, November 22, 2005  

  • time goes by so quickly...and it's amazing to look back and see how we've all grown.

    happy 1-year in blogland!!

    By Blogger Anisa, at 9:42 AM, November 23, 2005  

  • CONGRATS!!! I am sure in a year you will have great things to report... GOOD FOR YOU!!

    By Blogger Genna, at 7:19 PM, November 23, 2005  

  • Pleasure is spread through the earth
    In stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find.
    ~William Wordsworth, 1806

    I am so glad to have found this gift you share with others. Congrats on 1 year of spreading that gift to others..

    By Blogger Smiles, at 9:24 AM, November 26, 2005  

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