It's people like Elizabeth that convince me that anytime I'm fortunate to have the opportunity to meet a fellow blogger/reader, to take advantage of such an opportunity. We met at Starbucks and got to chat about kids, writing, blogging, sports, and life in general. She's a single mom with a Hollywood producer-to-be 17-year-old son. She's as sweet as candy, super upbeat, and one of the nicest people on this planet. I wish her the best of luck in her hopefully budding relationship and her book in the making. Check out her blog, Plein Air Sketches if you get a chance.
You're so sweet!!! Folks, if Todd ever stops by your town and invites you to coffee, drop whatever you are doing!
Todd, you're one of the sweetest men I've met in a long time, and every bit as sincere and thoughtful and compassionate as I thought you'd be! It was truly a pleasure to meet both you and Andy! What a terrific kid!
By Elizabeth Krecker, at 2:08 AM, July 19, 2006
Awww. Both of us thank you, E.
By Plantation, at 11:10 PM, July 19, 2006
No fair!! You got to meet Elizabeth.
By Cheetarah1980, at 11:07 AM, August 09, 2006
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