Weather: 78 degrees, sunny, clear blue skies
Surf: 82 degrees
Parking: $3
Admission: $0
Food: $0
Entertainment: $0
Spending the entire day at the beach with your son swimming, building sand castles, finding shells, throwing the football, having a picnic, bonding, etc.: $Priceless.
Flying him back home tomorrow...{sigh}
As the sometimes "Mundane" Counting Crows sing:
"I can’t remember all the times I tried to tell my myself
To hold on to these moments as they pass"
By Gatsby, at 11:15 PM, March 24, 2005
Adorable. I'm a sucker for cute kids, but can we just mention for a second your killer sock tan? Sexy.
By Anonymous, at 11:32 PM, March 24, 2005
Awww! So sweet! What a wonderful day for a father & son!
I noticed the super-sexy sock tan too. Heehee!
By Unknown, at 8:24 AM, March 25, 2005
How bad am I that all I noticed was the beautiful smiles on your faces and how similar those faces are?! I totally missed the sock tan...what is wrong with me? LOL
By Denise, at 10:17 AM, March 25, 2005
That goodbye must be really difficult.....I can't even imagine. Treasure those moments because y'know what they say "they grow up so fast."
By Caterina, at 2:12 PM, March 25, 2005
Dude, come clean. That's not a "sock tan." You're actually wearing white dress socks with Manolo Blahniks, right? Come now.
J/K. Lovely picture of the boys. Kids are such wonderful souls, aren't they?
By (S)wine, at 2:50 PM, March 25, 2005
Have you been using the same cream as Micheal Jackson's for your feet? First time here!
By Anonymous, at 5:06 PM, March 25, 2005
aww I love this picture even with the lack of sun on your feet. ;)
By slow poke kate, at 7:21 PM, March 25, 2005
HEY Mr. Noser!
Your son is the spitting image of you, I am glad that you had such a good weekend with him. That makes me happy to see a happy blog and a smile on your face! Though the glare from your feet did almost blind me when I looked at them! But you know what.... it has caused all your readers to smile, so now not only do you have a smile on your face so do we! Have a good day, and next time remember to take the socks OFF when you go to the beach!
Miss Ryder
By Anonymous, at 8:06 PM, March 25, 2005
I am happy to report that my feet have caught up to the rest of me.
By Plantation, at 12:15 AM, March 26, 2005
best post to date. hands down winner.
By Anonymous, at 8:46 PM, March 27, 2005
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